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2021 Call for interest for Ph.D. in Economics - University of Bologna
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the 2021 call for interest of the PhD Program in Economics at the University of Bologna is now open. I would be grateful if you could help us spread this information and bring it to the attention of talented and motivated students.
Let me briefly present our PhD program:
It is designed for students interested in pursuing advanced study and conducting original research in Economics. It aims at training a selected group of outstanding scholars for a career as economists in academic institutions or in research departments of corporations, consulting firms, public organizations, financial institutions and the government.
Students are encouraged to pursue a personalized curriculum and specialize in various fields within Economics by enrolling in field courses and attending weekly seminars with international speakers, internal seminars, reading groups and PhD forums. The program offers general, topics, advanced topics and methodological courses. By the end of the first year, students choose a field of specialization and a research supervisor and start working on their thesis.
Seven positions are available with a full-time scholarship. One position is earmarked for topics related to the Economic Analysis of the Law.
Faculty Members can supervise a broad range of research areas suitable for a PhD thesis, their international reputation provides a stimulating environment where students of most fields in economics may find research ideas and tight guidance for their doctoral studies. Students who are close to the completion of their dissertation are actively assisted in the job market placement.
The University of Bologna is one of the oldest universities in the World and one of the largest in Italy, and the city is well known for its high standard of living, its lively cultural life and its excellent services.
Deadline for pre-applications: 25th of February, 2021 at 1pm (Italian time)
For questions:
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Maria Bigoni
Director of the Ph.D. in Economics
University of Bologna